Aug 4, 2024


WHO's Global Power Grab - Part 1

Can we trust international institutions, like the World Health Organization, to make decisions about public health on our behalf? When it comes to their structure, leadership, formation, agenda and track record, a few questions are important in determining whether we should be giving power to these governing bodies including:

  • Who funds them?
  • Who runs them?
  • Who elects them?
  • Who supports them?
  • Who holds them accountable?
  • Who instituted them?
  • Who is under their control?

For something as important as our bodily autonomy, our access to medical treatment, and our allocation of resources, it is critical that we know “WHO” is operating this well-oiled machine and whether they are running on ethics or their own self-interests.

Today, watch a Children’s Health Defense Africa film, “WHO’s Global Power Grab,” on CHD.TV for an in-depth look at this issue of global significance.

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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