May 25, 2024

It's Not Over: The WHO's Relentless Power Grab

The world watches and waits, as delegates from represented nations gather at the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland to decide the fate of the universe through global health governance. But a growing number of the human population refuse to simply sit idly and concede to disagreeable protocols — in Japan, Germany, Slovakia, the United States and beyond. ‘Good Morning CHD’ co-hosts, Meryl Nass and James Corbett, return to CHD.TV for a pertinent presentation — a final warning — of the important points related to this May 2024 meeting and its implications for people, everywhere.

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly

IHR Amendments

Proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement

WHO Makes Key Concessions Ahead of Pandemic Treaty Vote/ Epoch Times

Thou Shall Obey the Who. The New Treaty Includes “Shall” 164 Times. The IHR Amendments 168 Times. You Bet the Who Wants to Order 194 Countries Around.

What Is One Health?--Check Out What the One Health Commission Has To Say About It

Conference of the Parties (COP) | UNFCCC

What Is the US Global Health Security Strategy and Why Does It Look a Lot Like the Who Pandemic Treaty?

Newest Negotiated Text of the Pandemic Treaty Reveals *Nations Agree* About Rolling out Unlicensed Vaccines

Slovakia’s Leader Survives Surgery After Shooting, Deputy Says

Iran’s President Killed in Helicopter Crash, Election Set for Next Month

~15 Nations Have Made Their Position on the Who Sovereignty Grab, Misleadingly Spun as an “Equity” Effort, Publicly Known Before the Wha Meeting Commences

Slovakia Will Not Support New Pandemic Treaty

Remembering John Magufuli - The Late Tanzanian President Who Exposed the Coronavirus Farce - Activist Post

WHO Members Must Call for a True Roll Call Vote To Make the Nations and Their Delegates Accountable for Their Votes

U.S. Government Global Health Security Strategy


Japan Approves First Domestically Developed COVID-19 XBB Vaccine

First Approved Self-amplifying COVID-19 Vaccine Publishes Positive Study Results | Precision Vaccinations

World Council for Health Japan's 1 Million Signature Campaign

First FDA-Approved Vaccine for the Prevention of Ebola Virus Disease, Marking a Critical Milestone in Public Health Preparedness and Response

What a Coincidence: Dengue Cases Skyrocket Just as Dengue Vaccine Approaches Licensure | Meryl Nass on Substack

First Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccine Approved | Nature Biotechnology

22 AGs Oppose WHO Pandemic Treaty, Citing Threats to Sovereignty and Civil Liberties

Tennessee Lawmakers Vote to Ban Geoengineering, With Allusions to ‘Chemtrails’ Conspiracy Theory

Big Pharma Hopes For Another Cash Cow Vaccine With Bird Flu GAIN OF FUNCTION Research | Kim Iverson on YouTube

Unraveling the Health Impacts of RF Radiation | CHD X Spaces

Is Radiofrequency Killing You?

Are Cell Towers in Schools Putting Your Child in Danger?

Protect Children from Cell Tower Radiation at School

Tell the FCC to Comply With the Court Order and Justify Its Outdated Wireless Exposure Guidelines

U.S. Government 'Cartel' Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

Stop the WHO Power Grab!

WHO Roundtable: Exposing 'Mission Critical For Humanity' | May 16th

Nursing Home Horrors | Emily Nurnberg

Both of My Parents Died After Taking COVID Vaccines | Suni Teker

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