Mar 16, 2022

‘This Is the Conversation Everyone Is Having Right Now’ + More

Join Mary Holland and Polly Tommey in this episode of ‘This Week’ as they discuss critical headlines. Topics covered include vaccines and fraud, adverse event reporting inaccuracies, ‘the government using the mainstream media as a proxy to censor speech’ and more.

Hosts: Mary Holland, J.D., Polly Tommey

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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'This Week' With Mary + Polly: 'This Is the Conversation Everyone Is Having Right Now' + More

Health Officials Relied Too Heavily on Vaccines as ‘Cure-All,’ CDC Director Says

Hospitals No Longer Required to Report COVID Deaths, HHS Says

German Insurance Company Fires CEO Who Released COVID Vaccine Injury Data, Then Scrubs Data From Website

Feds Secretly Paid Media to Promote COVID Shots

7-Year-Old Died of Cardiac Arrest 13 Days After Pfizer Shot, VAERS Data Show

Washington Health Board Advisory Group Recommends Against COVID Vaccine Mandate for K-12 Students

Florida Surgeon General Breaks With CDC, Recommends Against COVID Shots for Healthy Kids

@stillgray on Twitter: U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland says Washington is working with Ukraine to prevent biological research facilities from falling into Russian hands.

Offshore Biolabs with Meryl Nass, MD

COVID Restrictions May Be Winding Down, But Global Control Is Ramping Up

Corey Lynn’s Book on Vaccine ID Passports and Where It’s Headed is Now Available!

How to Talk to Your Doctor About COVID Vaccines

What Doctors Say in Private About COVID Vaccines

Data Show FDA Process for Emergency Authorization of Pfizer, Merck COVID Pills Not Based on Science

Is Klaus Schwab the ‘Most Dangerous Man in the World?’

Schwab Family Values

Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Moderna Developing mRNA Vaccines for Cancer, Shingles and Herpes

6 in 10 Parents Favor End to COVID Mandates, Poll Shows

The U.S. is about to approve a fourth COVID vaccine that could be a silver bullet solution to the anti-vax crisis

Novavax NVAX Stock

Young Man Sues Merck, Wants Accountability for Injuries Caused by Gardasil HPV Vaccine

Children in China Diagnosed With Leukemia After Taking Chinese Vaccines

Glyphosate: What It Is, Where It Is … and What You Can Do About It

5G Radiation Causes ‘Microwave Syndrome’ Symptoms, Study Finds

Billions of GMO Mosquitoes Set to Be Released in California, Florida

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