Apr 28, 2024

Fear Mongering Nonsense

Bird flu ‘pandemic-potential' fear-mongering, ‘killer’ measles scares, viral transmission ‘lies,’ legal case ‘fraud,’ over-the-counter antidepressants a ‘horrific idea,’ ‘overprescription’ of psychiatric drugs, ‘real concerns’ of brain data collection and other stories take center-stage in today’s episode of ‘This Week.’ Polly Tommey is joined by Kim Mack Rosenberg to discuss the latest news with CHD.TV viewers!

Hosts: Mary Holland, J.D., Polly Tommey

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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WHO, Media Drum Up Fear of Bird Flu Spreading to Humans

WHO Chief Scientist Calls for Increased Monitoring and Preparation for Highly Pathogenic Bird Flu | CNN

U.S. Could Vaccinate a Fifth of Americans in Bird Flu Emergency + More

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'​​A Dangerous Vaccine for a Nothing Disease': U.S. Stockpiling Bird Flu Vaccines

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Risk of Bird Flu Spreading to Humans Is ‘Enormous Concern’, Says WHO

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