Nov 15, 2021

Cancer, Autism + Mainstream Medicine — The Truth

In this powerful, eye-opening episode of ‘Tea Time,’ Dr. Sheila Ealey shares on her journey with cancer, finding and seeking treatment while learning that blaming those diagnosed is not helpful but harmful. Karen also shares her story of cervical cancer, chemo and radiation, lyme disease and being seen as “just a number.” Despite the distress and suffering through navigating difficult diagnoses, these women agree that a silver lining keeps them hopeful and motivated to keep going. Tune in to find out what that is!

Hosts: Sarah Kenoyer, Maureen McDonnell, Amy Gordon, Zoey O'Toole, Stephanie Locricchio, Dr. Tony O'Donnell

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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