Apr 6, 2024

On the Front Lines With CHD Chapters

It’s not just America — Africa, Australia and beyond, the public health agenda has its grasp on all of humanity. We’re all fighting the same enemy: Big Pharma.

Unite with other medical freedom advocates across the globe by joining a Children’s Health Defense chapter! These grassroots, community-based groups educate local legislators, empower parents and encourage people on the ground to find common ground in CHD’s mission. Find out how to get involved in this episode of ‘Good Morning CHD’!

And...Dariann’s husband, Darryl, is yet another victim of the medical establishment. While he and his daughter were in the hospital to receive COVID treatment, Darryl was denied proper care, pressured into undesirable protocols and found himself worse off, under the supervision of the healthcare staff, according to Dariann. She tells the family’s tragic story in this interview on CHD.TV.

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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