Mar 30, 2024



Globalism and Disease X

Meryl and James return for another jam-packed episode of ‘Good Morning CHD’ to share critical public health updates. They cover ‘Disease X,’ biological warfare, pandemic policies, globalism and the ‘Cobra Effect.’ Viewers won’t want to miss out on the captivating conversion!

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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What Can Parliamentarians Do About the WHO?

WHO WATCH Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB)

Ninth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for a WHO Instrument on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response

WHO Member States Agree To Resume Negotiations Aimed at Finalizing the World’s First Pandemic Agreement

Call for Urgent Agreement on International Deal To Prepare for and Prevent Future Pandemics

Protesters Surround CTV Demanding Coverage of WHO Pandemic Treaty

WHO Launches CoViNet: A Global Network for Coronaviruses

Pandemic Accord Requires Leadership Now - An Open Letter Signed by More Than 40 Former Heads of State and Senior Global Leaders

WHO Getting Desperate Over the Treaty. Maybe Because It Could Lose Tens of Billions for Its Annual Budget if It Fails To Gain Approval?

MEPs Give WHO a Deadline to Prove Pandemic Treaty's Legality

Call for Urgent Agreement on International Deal To Prepare for and Prevent Future Pandemics

Faith-Based Partners Voice Support for Pandemic Accord

G20 Summit: Gordon Brown Announces ‘New World Order'

Florida Actually Passed a Bill Last Year That Prohibited Govt or Educational Entities From Adopting WHO Guidelines, Unless Otherwise Allowed by Law or the Governor

2022: Attorneys General from 15 States Petition Against the WHO | DOOR TO FREEDOM

Louisiana’s Senate Just *UNANIMOUSLY* Passed a Bill That Denies That Any Communication From the WHO, UN and WEF May Be Used as a Basis for Action Within the State!!!

The World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum Shall Have No Jurisdiction or Power Within the State of Louisiana.

Bilderberg Meetings

Council on Foreign Relations

What Are Young Global Leaders, and How Are They Tackling the World’s Biggest Challenges?

Canadians Have a Widespread Dissatisfaction With Trudeau Government: Poll

Preparing for Disease X

Disease X Could Be Next Big Pandemic, Kill 50 Million People, Says Expert

What the WHO Is Actually Proposing

People Wonder Who I Am and What My Background Is in Biological Warfare, Vaccines, Etc.

Surging Dengue Cases in Americas Cause Alarm as Potentially Worst-Ever Season Looms

1540 Committee | UN

Perverse Incentives

Public Health Interventions and SARS Spread, 2003

The Corbett Report | Open Source Intelligence News

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