Mar 10, 2023


Preparing Your Kitchen Garden — John Day, M.D.

John Day MD is a 64 year old Family Practice doctor, who has devoted his career to public health, including work on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona, Rural Texax and Rural Hawaii and inpatient Psychiatry in the Texas State Hospital System, and Obstetrics, including teaching and supervising Family Practice Physicians in Training as an Obstetrical Fellow and a Family Practice Faculty Member.

He is the grateful Husband of Jenny, a School Librarian, Proud Father of four young adults: Holly, an Internal Medicine Physician, Steve and Jim, both Engineers, and Amber, who is a Mathemagician, with two Masters Degrees, and is who getting paid to do a PhD in Statistics.

He was an early treating physician at his federally qualified public health clinic in Austin, initially using hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, zinc and vitamin-D, until forbidden to prescribe hydroxychloroquine in August 2020, when the first good medical-studiy on ivermectin, zinc and doxycycline, with vitamin-D came out from Bangladesh, and he was able to treat people with that effective combination.

He was fired for COVID "vaccine" refusal on moral grounds, the creation of a lesser class of humans, while planting the winter vegetables in the garden he kept for his coworkers at the clinic, in October 2021.

He has been vegetable gardening since 2013, and has worked out a flexible succession-rotation gardening protocol , which helps keep pests and disease from building up in the beds, and puts some nitrogen into each bed every third year.

Since being fired he has been building in the "dream house" he designed and general contracted on, since the basic external structure was completed in early 2022. He learned a lot and it's now "finished".

Hosts: Meryl Nass, M.D.

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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