Mar 10, 2023


History of Incursions on Small Farms — Benjamin Dobson

Ben Dobson is the founder and president of Hudson Carbon where he facilitates the implementation of regenerative organic food and agro-ecological systems that provide healthy food for people, and positive ecological outcomes. Born on an organic farm in Hillsdale, New York, and has twenty years of experience operating organic farms at various scales in many settings.

From 2014 through 2020 Ben planned, implemented, and managed the transition of three thousand acres of conventional farmland in New York’s Hudson Valley to a regenerative organic grain and livestock system. This work resulted in the development of a local and organic grain supply chain that plays a critical role in the local food system in the Hudson Valley and western New England.

In 2018 Ben co-founded Hudson Hemp, demonstrating a regenerative organic model to the hemp industry and an important new crop to farms in his region. He continues his work with Hudson Hemp as a member of the board.

These experiences have informed the development of Hudson Carbon and its ability to use scientific methodologies to quantify and value the ecosystem services provided by regenerative organic farms and ecosystems as a means to bring financial value to these critical ecological assets.

Ben lives in Sheffield, Massachusetts with his wife Nalise Dobson and their five children.

Hudson Carbon Description

Hudson Carbon is a public benefit corporation dedicated to adoption of regenerative agricultural practices and systems, and their powerful potential to mitigate climate change, reverse environmental degradation, and rebuild communities across the globe.

We envision an economy based on ecosystems and the services they provide to the communities within them; a world in which regenerative agriculture is meeting the world’s demand for healthy food; and a world in which farmers are compensated for not only what they grow, but how they grow it.

We believe that integrated, bioregional food systems with regenerative organic supply chains are the best way to improve human health, bring proper function to ecosystems, and mitigate the effects of the climate crisis.

Hudson Carbon was founded and built by farmers dedicated to harmonizing agriculture and ecology within a new economic model. Our leadership team is rooted in a deep understanding of agricultural systems, soil science, ecology, and environmental economics.

We identify regenerative agricultural systems and ecological management practices that have the greatest potential to protect biodiversity, sequester carbon, improve hydrological cycles, reduce methane levels, and limit nutrient pollution.

We then combine our agricultural and ecological management experience with state of the art in field technology, remote sensing, AI, and other innovative approaches to develop foundational datasets and management strategies that result in development of ecological assets, and payment for ecosystem services.

Hudson Carbon is currently managing projects in New York, Vermont, Montana, and Mexico and has partnered with the Regenerative Food Network to provide a holistic framework for the development of farmer owned regenerative supply chains that provide healthy food for people, positive ecological outcomes, and financial stability for farmers and land stewards.

Hosts: Meryl Nass, M.D.

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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Hudson Carbon

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