Webinar and Q&A – CHD v. FCC -Stopping OTARD – Main Brief Submission

Watch our webinar and Q & A session regarding the filing of CHD’s main brief in its case against the Federal Communications Commission’s amendment of the OTARD rule, allowing base station antennas, including 5G, on homes without notice to neighbors or any ability to object their installation. The rule preempts state and zoning laws as well as federal and state disability laws and unlawfully violates numerous constitutional rights. CHD’s case challenging the rule was filed on 2/26/21; the main brief in the case was filed on 6/23/21. In this webinar, attorneys Dafna Tachover, Director of CHD’s 5G & Wireless Harms Project, and Scott McCollough, a seasoned telecommunications and administrative law attorney and CHD’s lead attorney for this case, explain in layman’s terms what OTARD is (Over-the-Air-Reception Devices) and discuss the arguments they raised in the brief. They were also joined by attorney Petra Brokken to discuss the Amicus Brief she spearheaded that was filed on behalf of 67 organizations representing over 1,000,000 people. The Amicus Brief was filed on 6/30/21.

Learn what you can do to stop OTARD in your community.

Jun 30, 2021

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Children's Health Defense® is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is ending childhood health epidemics by eliminating toxic exposure. We will restore and protect the health of children by eliminating environmental exposures, holding responsible parties accountable, and establishing safeguards to prevent future harm of children's health.  Protecting Children. Exposing Harms. Seeking Justice.

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