Feb 2, 2022


Janci Lindsay, Ph.D. — Vaccines + Reproductive Health

This week on ‘Against the Wind,’ Dr. Paul interviews Janci Lindsay, Ph.D., director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services, who dives deep into the COVID vaccine science. Starting with a detailed explanation of what was not studied in the clinical trials, Lindsay brings to light the alarming safety signals that carry significant implications for women’s reproductive systems and children. Next, Janet, a nurse and mother of four, shares her COVID experience. Her advice is to have a doctor lined up with a proven treatment protocol who is willing to prescribe off-label medication. Finally, Bernadette Pajer shares a preview of a film that focuses on the indoctrination and trafficking of our children. This film calls us to end the tyranny that’s threatening our freedoms and future and is a must-see!

Hosts: Dr. Paul Thomas

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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Children's Health Defense® is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is ending childhood health epidemics by eliminating toxic exposure. We will restore and protect the health of children by eliminating environmental exposures, holding responsible parties accountable, and establishing safeguards to prevent future harm of children's health.  Protecting Children. Exposing Harms. Seeking Justice.

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