Nov 17, 2021


Avital Livny + Dr. Josh Guetzkow, Ph.D. — Status of Israel

In this week’s ‘From the Heart’ segment, Dr. Paul Thomas reads a letter written by doctors and journalists to the prime minister of Canada pleading with him to stop the tyranny and mandates. Next up — actress and activist, Avital Livny, from the Israel Testimony Project. When Livny learned that people were being silenced for sharing their COVID-19 vaccine injuries, she was motivated to provide a platform for them to do so. In her own words, ‘In Israel, there is no transparency. You don’t know how many people reported, or what kind of injury they reported.’ Then, Dr. Paul interviews sociologist criminologist Josh Guetzkow, Ph.D., as he discusses the true status of Israel. Sharing his perspective of the booster campaigns and changing goalposts, he emphasizes that the efficacy of the vaccine is short-lived and that both the vaccinated and unvaccinated are being hospitalized equally.

Hosts: Dr. Paul Thomas

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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