Jun 6, 2022


Pandemic Simulations, Billionaires, Industrial Farms + More

Ready for an episode of ‘One Life Radio’ that will leave you breathless and awakened to the reality of the world we live in? Whether you feel prepared or not, this is not an episode that you’ll want to miss! Mary Holland shares news on monkeypox, avian flu, baby formula, pollinator declines, Metaverse and more. What are the dangers of the vaccine on pilots and airlines? What is happening to our wild salmon population? What is Bill Gates doing to take control of our food supply?

Hosts: Bernadette Fiaschetti

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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As Monkeypox Cases Spread, Report Shows Gates Foundation, WHO, Pharma Execs Took Part in Monkeypox Pandemic ‘Simulation’

As Questions Swirl Around Monkeypox Origins and Risk, Vaccine Makers Set Sights on Profits

Don’t Listen to Monkeypox ‘Fear Porn,’ Dr. Robert Malone Tells RFK, Jr.

Is Monkeypox a Smokescreen for Global Health Power Grab?

$9.8 Million Awarded Last Year by Fauci’s Agency to Test Monkeypox Treatment

Pandemic Created 1 New Billionaire Every 30 Hours, Now Millions Could Face ‘Extreme’ Poverty

Family of 26-Year-Old Who Died 13 Days After AstraZeneca Shot Weighs Legal Action

‘Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda’

Industrial Chicken Farms — Not Wild Birds — to Blame for Bird Flu Epidemic

Big Pharma Greed Led to Baby Formula Crisis

Homemade Baby Formula

$60 Million From U.S. Taxpayers so WEF Can Fund ‘Playground’ for World’s Billionaires?

Fauci’s NIAID Approved $1.8 Million in Taxpayer Funds for Drug Experiments on Puppies

Climate Change Hysteria Won’t Solve the Planetary Crisis

No Bees, No Food? 75% of World’s Food Crops Depend on Pollinators

18 Major Airlines, FAA and DOT Could Face Lawsuits Over COVID Vaccine Mandates

Globalists Are Taking Over the Food System — It’s Part of Their Plan to Control You

WEF Launches ‘Metaverse’ Initiative, Predicts Digital Lives Will Become ‘More Meaningful to Us Than Our Physical Lives’

How Advertisers’ ‘Invisible Strings’ Control What You Read and Watch

More COVID Cases in Kids Who Got 2 Shots Compared to Those Who Got None, CDC Reports

‘We Have Screwed Up the Balance of Nature,’ Chemical Expert Tells RFK, Jr.

U.S. Taxpayers Spent $2 Billion on Failed Plan to Save Wild Salmon

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