Mar 9, 2024



Stigma and Health

According to the literature on health markers, were COVID-19 protocols counterproductive? And thinking more abstractly, was the stigma against unvaccinated warranted? In a survey on vaccination status and wellbeing, a few findings stood out:

  • Vast majority of vaccinated respondents experienced coercion
  • Many vaccine ‘hesitant’ were not ‘hesitant’ at the beginning of the pandemic
  • 25% of respondents lost income from 2020-2022, an average of $30,000-39,000
  • Lack of informed consent in vaccinated respondents
  • Vaccination status associated with health stigma, fear and exclusion

Get a detailed explanation of this research study, today, on ‘Good Morning CHD.’

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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Evelyn Bush | Associate Professor of Sociology, Fordham University

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