Nov 17, 2023


21st Century Tech: A Legal Panel Discussion

As technology “is encroaching and growing in individuals’ lives,” what role does the law play in protecting human rights, especially that of children? Joining the ‘Good Morning CHD’ hosts, today, are 3 legal professionals who share their thoughts on this relevant, urgent topic. Viewers won’t want to miss out on the conversation!

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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Electromagnetic Radiation & Wireless | Children's Health Defense

ID4D — World Bank

ID4D: Principles

Ngozi Nwanta | NYU

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Center for Human Rights & Global Justice

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False Promises and Multiple Exclusion: Summary of Our RightsCon Event on Uganda's National Digital ID System | Center for Human Rights & Global Justice

Kenya’s New Digital IDs May Exclude Millions of Minorities

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Kenyan Immigration Servies: Kipande System | Twitter/X

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GRESB Foundation

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NIST’s Digital Identity Guidelines - Special Publication 800-63

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Wired Broadband Inc.

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Publications Office of the European Union: data.europa Academy Webinar on ‘The European Single Access Point | Youtube

NYU Center for Human Rights and Global Justice: Seeing the Unseen: Inclusion and Exclusion in Kenya's Digital ID System | Youtube

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