Jun 22, 2024


Grave Danger In Our Food

This is no trivial matter. Our food supply is under attack, and our bodies are the target. Today’s interview with Zen Honeycutt sheds light on the following:

  • Should we be concerned about “bioengineered” ingredients?
  • How might fast food contribute to a depopulation agenda?
  • Could there be a link between a problematic food supply and violent behavior?
  • What is the real cause of a Bird Flu pandemic?
  • Are organic foods safer than conventional?

These are ever-developing topics of vital importance. Watch this episode of “Good Morning CHD” with Zen to consider the past research, current science and future outlook pertaining to our food supply and the medical establishment’s exploitation of it."

These are ever-developing topics of vital importance. Watch this episode of “Good Morning CHD” with Zen to consider the past research, current science and future outlook pertaining to our food supply and the medical establishment’s exploitation of it.

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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