Mar 3, 2024



Alaskapox, More Measles & 5G

Are medical journals captured? Based on the “weaponized, predatory retractions” of articles that do not fit the mainstream narrative, an argument for intentional censorship of dissenting authors could be made. And is the coverage of impending diseases just “fear-mongering deflection” or a real concern for public health? What can be said about “outrageous” military vaccine mandates? So many questions, so few outlets and individuals willing to answer them. But on ‘This Week,’ Mary Holland and Polly Tommey refuse to shy away from the tough topics. Tune in to this episode, as they comment on various subjects of interest.

Plus: Why the uptick in respiratory illness each winter season? Besides viral transmission, could it have anything to do with the testing methods, lack of Vitamin D, sugar intake and improper sleep? Lawrence Palevsky, M.D. raises an important question: Why aren’t practitioners and parents considering contributors to sickness, other than germs? He also discusses the simple techniques that families have been using for years to treat the symptoms of a cold, flu or related sickness that work with the body’s natural immune response, rather than against it. Join these two doctors on ‘Pediatric Perspectives’ for a lesson on responding to news of a ‘tripledemic.’

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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