Aug 2, 2024


Sunlight is Essential + Securing Proper Nutrition

"In this episode of “An Informed Life Radio,” viewers learn about natural, common sense contributors to good health: sunlight, food and water.

People today are exposed to sunlight far less than their ancestors, even just a few decades ago. Infrastructure, work environments, schedules and other factors make it difficult to get outside or be around natural light while deceptive marketing promotes “fear” of the sun. We should “avoid” it as much as possible, they tell us, and even go so far as to utilize sun “blocking” technologies in the form of lotions, clothing and solar radiation modification. But what do centuries of science and rationality have to say about our relationship with sunlight? Roman and Bohdanna Shapoval weigh in.

But it wouldn’t be optimal health without proper nutrition and water intake! Dana Flavin, M.D. joins the second hour of today’s show to share why what we eat and drink matters and how to improve our intake of food and beverages. Don’t miss out on this critical conversation!"

Hosts: Bernadette Pajer, Xavier Figueroa

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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