Sep 13, 2024


Lithium’s Vital Role in Brain Health + Chirofest 2024

Welcome back to “An Informed Life Radio,” hosted by Bernadette Pajer, on CHD.TV!

Vitamins and minerals are essential for human health. And according to holistic and clinical nutritionist, Dustin Strong, having proper levels of these nutrients can reduce the risk of various mental and physical ills. Dustin joins the first half of the show today to demonstrate the science behind this claim. To follow, Bob Runnels reports in from a chiropractic event in Washington. Learn about how this growing movement is impacting the way we think about healthcare and treat various ailments.

…And be sure to catch other episodes to learn more about relevant health topics like the ones featured today. The information contained in this episode is for informational purposes only. No material is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Hosts: Bernadette Pajer, Xavier Figueroa

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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