Jun 8, 2023

The Simpsonwood Meeting: 23 Years Later

The Simpsonwood Meeting: 23 Years Later Time to Connect the Dots

A Secret Meeting and Government Cover-up of the Mercury/Autism

Two Day Event in Georgia June 7&8 - Rally + March Main event June 8 at the Georgia Capitol

Sponsored by Children’s Health Defense, Next Steps + Georgia Coalition for Vaccine Choice.

On June 7-8, 2000, top public health officials, government scientists, vaccine manufacturers and vaccine specialists met behind closed doors at the isolated Simpsonwood Retreat and Conference Center in Norcross, Georgia. At this secret meeting it was revealed that the vaccine additive thimerosal was linked to Autism. They tried to hide this critical information but the transcript eventually leaked to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who exposed what happened in his 2005 Rolling Stone Expose titled Deadly Immunity.

23 years later in Georgia we will be shining a light on the darkness surrounding Simpsonwood, the Watergate moment for the Medical Freedom Movement.Learn the truth about the pharmaceutical industry’s influence on our public health agencies and the devastating impact this has had on the health of our nation’s children. It’s time to connect the dots from Simpsonwood to the Covid Crisis.

Get all information and updates at ChildrensHealthDefense.org/Simpsonwood


  • Mary Holland, J.D., CHD President & General Counsel on Leave
  • Rolf Hazlehurst, Esq., CHD Senior Staff Attorney, father of a vaccine-injured child with autism
  • Brian Hooker, Ph.D., CHD Chief Scientific Officer
  • Lyn Redwood, R.N., MSN, mother of a vaccine-injured child with autism
  • Mark Blaxill, Canary Party Founder, Author, Holland Center + Vibrant Technology CFO, father of a vaccine-injured child with autism
  • Leslie Manookian, Health Freedom Defense Fund President & Founder
  • Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., Author
  • Ginger Taylor, Activist, mother of a vaccine-injured child with autism
  • Kimberly Overton, R.N.
  • Nikki Holland, DPT, ATC,
  • more to be announced

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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