The People's Study

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

My Husband Died Following Covid Hospital Protocol #NJ

Oct 9, 2023

Scott’s positive COVID test marks the beginning of the story of his tragic death, as described by his wife, Lori, in this CHD Bus Stories video. Scott was told by the urgent care clinic to “go home, ride it out” and if breathing issues arose, to “go to the ER.” When his oxygen level dropped, Lori called the ambulance. During his stay, Scott was put on remdesivir, blood thinners and “heavy doses of steroids.” He was also given a flu shot. The hospital staff began monitoring him with a video camera “because he was agitated.” Despite the pushback she faced, Lori continued to advocate for her sick husband. Find more interviews with the victims of COVID protocol and their families on CHD.TV.

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