Mar 18, 2024

Murthy v Missouri | Oral Arguments | Mar. 18


Oral arguments to be heard by the United States Supreme Court on Monday, March 18th at 10:00am ET | 7:00am PT.

Also, be sure to tune in to CHD.TV to watch LIVE ‘The Rally to Reclaim Free Speech’ from the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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Rally at the U.S. Supreme Court To Reclaim and Protect Free Speech | Mar. 18 | 9am ET

Rally to Restore Free Speech


Application for a Stay of the Injunction Issued By The United States District Court For the Western District of Louisiana

Brief of Amicus Curiae State of Ohio in Support Of Respondents and in Opposition To Stay Application

Response to Application for Stay of Injunction

Opposing Application for a Stay of the Injunction Issued by the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana

Kennedy Plaintiffs’ Amicus Brief in Opposition To Stay

Brief of Amica Curiae Angela Reading in Support of Respondents And in Opposition To Stay Application

Certificate of Service

Supplemental Letter From Missouri, et al. Filed.

Second Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Emergency Application for a Stay Filed.

Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Emergency Application for a Stay Filed.

Letter to the Clerk Filed by Missouri, et al.

Supplemental Letter from Missouri, et al. filed.

Third Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Emergency Application for a Stay Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Michael Eugene Reznick Filed.

Motion for Leave To Intervene Filed by Kennedy Plaintiffs.

Response in Opposition to Motion To Intervene From Petitioners Vivek H. Murthy, et al. Filed.

Response in Opposition to Motion To Intervene From Respondents Missouri, et al. Filed.

Reply on Motion To Intervene Filed.

Motion for an Extension of Time to File the Briefs on the Merits Filed.

Brief of Petitioners Vivek H. Murthy, et al. Filed.

Joint Appendix Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of Netchoice, et al. In Support of neither Party Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of Electronic Frontier Foundation, et al. In Support of neither Party Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of FLOOR64, Inc. D/B/a the Copia Institute, in Support of neither Party Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University in Support of neither Party Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of American Academy of Pediatrics, et al. Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of the International Municipal Lawyers Association in Support of neither Party (Also as to 22-842) Filed. Vided.

Brief Amici Curiae of the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, et al. Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America in Support of neither Party Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press in Support of neither Party Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of Secretaries of State of Arizona, et al. Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of New York, et al. Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of the Coalition for Independent Technology Research Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Stanford University Filed.

Brief amicus curiae of United States Senator Mark Warner filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Election Officials in Support of neither Party Filed.

Brief of Respondents Missouri, et al. Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Louder With Crowder, LLC Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Atlantic Legal Foundation Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Institute for Free Speech Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of Manhattan Institute, et al. Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Center for American Liberty Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Americans for Prosperity Foundation Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of Justin Hart and the Liberty Justice Center Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of the “Twitter Files” Journalists: Matt Taibbi, et al. Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of Advancing American Freedom, Inc, et al. Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of National Institute of Family and Life Advocates Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of Kennedy Plaintiffs Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Informed Consent Action Network Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of America’s Future, et al. Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of American Free Enterprise Chamber of Commerce Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of National Religious Broadcasters Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of Charlie Kirk, et al. Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of International Center for Law & Economics Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of America’s Frontline Doctors and Dr. Simone Gold, m.d., j.d. Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Angela Reading Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of Montana, et al. Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Buckeye Institute Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of Liberty Counsel Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of Amicus Populi and Freedom X Filed.

Brief Amicus Curiae of the Rutherford Institute Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, et al. Filed.

Brief Amici Curiae of Jim Jordan, et al. filed.

Amicus Brief of Liberty Counsel Submitted.

Motion for Divided Argument and for Enlargement of Time for Oral Argument Out of Time Filed by Respondents Jayanta Bhattacharya, et al.

Reply of Petitioners Vivek H. Murthy, et al. Filed.

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