Jul 29, 2024


State of Surveillance: Progress, Gaps, and Opportunities

‘The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated radical advances in our global disease surveillance systems but it also highlighted critical gaps. This panel brings together leading global, regional and national disease surveillance experts to highlight the “state of disease surveillance”, including progress, opportunities and remaining capacity gaps in integrating multi-sectoral approaches (e.g. One Health). Panellists will explore areas where renewed action would strengthen disease surveillance from the local to global level.’

  • Moderator: Tânia Fonseca, Head of Surveillance and Reference Laboratories, Fiocruz
  • Chikwe Ihekweazu, Assistant Director-General, WHO
  • Jean Kaseya, Director-General, Africa CDC
  • Ethel Maciel, Secretary of Health Surveillance and Environment, Ministry of Health, Brazil

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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