Jul 30, 2024


Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit | July 30

Day 2 Agenda:

7:30am ET

How Climate Change Is Heightening Epidemic and Pandemic Risk

  • Tulio de Oliveira, Director of CERI (Centre for Epidemic Response & innovation; Stellenbosch Uni) and KRISP (KZN Research Innovation & Sequencing Platform)

The Drivers Of Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks

‘Drawing on Professor de Oliveira’s work on how climate change impacts the spread of infectious diseases this session will explore the varied drivers of emerging infectious disease that are ultimately increasing the risk of Disease X and foster continued dialogue about a One Health approach to pandemic preparedness.’

  • Moderator: Kate Kelland, Author of ‘Disease X’ and Chief Scientific Writer, CEPI
  • Tulio de Oliveira, Director of CERI (Centre for Epidemic Response & innovation; Stellenbosch Uni) and KRISP (KZNResearch Innovation & Sequencing Platform)
  • Mauricio Barreto, Emeritus University Professor at the Federal University of Bahia and a Senior Investigator, Fiocruz

8:30am ET

Regulatory Innovation To Accelerate DTV Approvals for the IOODM

‘This pandel of global regulatory experts will discuss and capture policy recommendations ont he key regulatory actions that are being driven within therapeutics, vaccines, and diagnostics development to make progress towards the 100 Days Mission. The session will seek to identify actions and legislative changes regulators need from policymakers to enable progress’

  • Chair: Shingai Machingaidze, CoChair of the Science and Technology Expert Group, IPPS
  • Adam Hacker, Director and Head of Global Regulatory Affairs, CEPI
  • Delese Mimi Darko, CEO, FDA Ghana (virtual)
  • Rogerio Gaspar, Director of Department of Regulation and Prequalification, WHO
  • David Kaslow, Director, Office of Vaccines, US FDA
  • Antonio Barra Torres, Director President, Anvisa
  • Emer Cooke, Executive Director, European Medicines Agency

10am ET

The Importance of End-To-End Coordination Mechanisms

‘This session will explore the lessons from existing countermeasure coordination mechanisms and discuss how we can apply those to reinvigorate therapeutic and diagnostic R&D, ensuring collaboration across sectors and an end-to-end approach for pandemic preparedness’

  • Chair: Victor Dzau, President of the US National Academy of Medicine and Co-Chair, 100 Days Mission Science and Technology Expert Group
  • Carmen Pérez Casas, Strategy lead & PPPR Head, Unitaid
  • Ruxandra Draghia Akli, Chair, Scientific Advisory Board, INTREPID Alliance
  • Luis Pizarro, Executive Director, DNDi
  • Marta Fernandez Suarez, Chief Technology Officer, FIND
  • Richard Hatchett, CEO, CEPI

12pm ET

Closing Plenary: Maintaining Momentum for Global Pandemic Preparedness and Response in the Age of Polycrisis

12:05pm ET

Reflections From Breakout Sessions

‘Representatives from each of the Summit pillars will share reflections on discussions and outcomes from their respective pillar, including the key actions and recommendations that could be taken forward by decision makers.’

  • Moderator: Kate Kelland, Chief Scientific Writer, CEPI
  • Oliver Morgan, Director Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence Systems, WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence
  • Heulwen Philpot, Head of Secretariat, International Pandemic Preparedness Secretariat
  • Jorge Bermudez, Senior Professor at the National School of Public Health; Advisor to the Fiocruz Vice-presidency; PAHO/WHO International Consultant; Member of the MCTI National Science and Technology Council

12:25pm ET

Financing the Future Of Pandemic Preparedness And Response

‘Against a backdrop of constrained public finances for pandemic preparedness and response, this session will explore what critical investments are needed – and should be prioritized – to strengthen pandemic prevention,preparedness, and response capacities at national, regional, and global levels. Panellists will explore the critical factors shaping financing decision-making and discuss ways to optimize pandemic financing mechanisms to support rapid and equitable responses in the future.’

  • Moderator: Serina Ng, Executive Head, G20 Joint Finance and Health Task Force Secretariat, WHO
  • Yasuhisa Shiozaki, Former Minister of Health of Japan & CEPI Goodwill Ambassador
  • Priya Basu, Executive Head of the Secretariat, Pandemic Fund
  • Nafisa Jiwani, Head of Global Health Initiatives, DFC
  • Charles Bleehen, Head of Development Finance Mechanisms, Gavi

1:40pm ET

Global Cooperation And the Pandemic Preparedness And Response Ecosystem

‘This expert panel will take stock of discussions that have unfolded over the course of the Summit and highlight how international fora – including the G7 and G20 - can carry forward the Summit themes into the future.’

  • Moderator: Ilona Kickbusch, Founder, Global Health Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute, member of the Global Preparedness

Monitoring Board

  • Carlos Gadelha, Secretary of Science, Technology, Innovation and Health Economic-Industrial Complex, Ministry of Health, Brazil
  • Anban Pillay, Deputy Director General, The National Department of Health in South Africa
  • Mona Nemer, Chief Scientific Advisor, Government of Canada and Chair of the 100 Days Mission Steering Group, IPPS
  • Tovar da Silva Nunes, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the UN in Geneva and Vice-Chair of the INB
  • Mike Ryan, Executive Director, Health Emergencies Programme and Deputy Director-General, WHO

2:30pm ET

Closing Remarks by Cohosts

  • Carlos Gadelha, Secretary of Science, Technology, Innovation and Health Economic-Industrial Complex, Ministry of Health of Brazil
  • Mario Mereira, President, Fiocruz
  • Jane Halton, Chair, CEPI

CHD.TV offers a wide range of content pertaining to children's health. We regularly stream hearings, meetings and lectures from the World Economic Forum, National Institutes of Health, World Health Organization and other entities to keep you up to date the tactics and ideologies of those who influence public health, though Children's Health Defense may not have any affiliation with these organizations or individuals.

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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