Jul 29, 2024


Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit | July 29

Day 1 Agenda:

8:00am ET

Opening Address:

  • Opening address – Nisia Trindade, Minister of Health, Government of Brazil
  • Introductory remarks – Mario Moreira, President, Fiocruz
  • Introductory remarks – Jane Halton, Chair, CEPI

8:20am ET


  • Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysus, Director-General, WHO
  • “A navigator’s approach to global pandemic preparedness and response.” Mike Ryan, Executive Director, Health Emergencies Programme and Deputy Director-General, WHO

8:40am ET

The State of Global Pandemic Preparedness and Response

‘Global experts will provide their assessment of the current status of global pandemic preparedness and response. The session will set the scene for what could be possible within the pandemic preparedness sphere with sufficient funding, political will, and international collaboration – particularly within the context of equitable access, the 100 Days Mission, and global disease surveillance.’

  • Moderator: Aggrey Aluso Director, Africa Region, Pandemic Action Network
  • Jarbas Barbosa Director, PAHO
  • Joy Phumaphi Co-Chair, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board

9:10am ET

State of Surveillance: Progress, Gaps, and Opportunities

‘The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated radical advances in our global disease surveillance systems but it also highlighted critical gaps. This panel brings together leading global, regional and national disease surveillance experts to highlight the “state of disease surveillance”, including progress, opportunities and remaining capacity gaps in integrating multi-sectoral approaches (e.g. One Health). Panellists will explore areas where renewed action would strengthen disease surveillance from the local to global level.’

  • Moderator: Tânia Fonseca, Head of Surveillance and Reference Laboratories, Fiocruz
  • Chikwe Ihekweazu, Assistant Director-General, WHO
  • Jean Kaseya, Director-General, Africa CDC
  • Ethel Maciel, Secretary of Health Surveillance and Environment, Ministry of Health, Brazil

10:20am ET

The 100 Days Mission - how close are we?

‘The 100 Days Mission is a crucial ambition in the wake of COVID-19’s profound global impact. This session will explore the technological advances that have been made that can enable faster diagnostic, therapeutic, and vaccine development. It will highlight where collaboration between 100 Days Mission pillars can help drive further catalytic change and discuss ongoing challenges and opportunities to achieving the 100 Days Mission goals, including equitable access to innovations, biosecurity and AI, regulatory and beyond.’

  • Moderator: Dr Mona Nemer, Chief Scientific Advisor, Government of Canada and Chair of the 100 Days Mission Steering Group, IPPS
  • Richard Hatchett, CEO, CEPI
  • Ayoade Alakija, Chair, FIND
  • Philippe Duneton, Executive Director, UNITAID
  • Mario Moreira, President, Fiocruz
  • David Reddy, Director General, IFPMA

11:10am ET

Enabling Equitable Access Through Local And Regional Production

‘This panel will explore how local and regional production can contribute to the wider issue of achieving equitable access during outbreaks and pandemics and discuss how regional health technology production is likely to evolve in the coming decade. Panellists will explore the emerging regional and international initiatives to strengthen manufacturing capacity and capability in the Global South and identify gaps, opportunities and areas for closer collaboration across sectors, countries and regions.’

  • Moderator: Mariângela Simão, Director-President of the Instituto Todos pela Saúde and member of the Supervisory Board of the Access to Medicine Foundation
  • Carlos Gadelha, Secretary of Science, Technology, Innovation and Health Economic-Industrial Complex, Ministry of Health of Brazil
  • Laurent Muschel, Acting Director-General, HERA
  • Mauricio Zuma Medeiros, CEO, Bio-Manguinhos
  • Rajinder Suri, CEO, DCVMN
  • Petro Terblanche, CEO, Afrigen

1:00pm ET

How Can Who’s Pathogen Family Strategy Inform Equitable R&D Practice at National, Regional and Global Levels?

  • Ana Maria Henao-Restrepo, Lead R&D Blueprint for Epidemics, WHO

1:15pm ET

Defining Access By Design in R&D For Diagnostics, Therapeutics, And Vaccines

‘This session will reflect on the WHO’s renewed pathogen family strategy, discussing how researchers and organizations can strengthen a collaborative and equitable approach at national, regional and global levels. It will identify potential gaps, what collaborations already exist, and what new actions need to be taken so that the world can expand access to scientific and technological tools for researchers around the world and enable equitable access.’

  • Moderator: Saul Walker, Interim Executive Director of Policy, Partnerships and Access, CEPI
  • Ana Maria Henao-Restrepo, Lead R&D Blueprint for Epidemics, WHO
  • Sue Ann Costa Clemens, Professor of Global Health and Vaccinology at the University of Oxford and the University of Siena
  • Charles Gore, Executive Director, Medicines Patent Pool
  • Andrea Vicari, Unit Chief Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Response, PAHO
  • Melanie Saville, Chief Scientific Officer, PATH
  • Jorge Bermudez, Senior Professor at the National School of Public Health; Advisor to the Fiocruz Vice-presidency; PAHO/WHO International Consultant; Member of the MCTI National Science and Technology Council

2:45pm ET

Zoonotic Influenza—Would We Be Ready for an Equitable 100- Day Response and What Can We Do To Prepare?

‘As the world monitors the evolution of H5N1 influenza, this session will reflect on what we’re learning about influenza in the context of preparing for a 100 days-like response. The expert panel will explore how ready the world is to deliver an equitable response to an influenza pandemic, what we could and should be doing now to prepare, and what strategies can be deployed to ensure that human, animal, and environmental health sectors collaborate to tackle zoonotic influenza outbreaks.’

  • Introductory talk and Moderator: Dr Rick Bright, FIND Board member and global Influenza expert
  • Dame Sarah Gilbert, Said Professor of Vaccinology, Pandemic Sciences Institute, University of Oxford
  • Nicole Lurie, Executive Director, Preparedness and Response, CEPI
  • Paula Barbosa, Associate Director, Vaccine Policy, IFPMA
  • Marcela Uhart, Director of the Latin America Program at the Karen C. Drayer Wildlife Health Center
  • Marilda Siqueira, Head of the Respiratory Virus and Measles Laboratory at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Fiocruz

CHD.TV offers a wide range of content pertaining to children's health. We regularly stream hearings, meetings and lectures from the World Economic Forum, National Institutes of Health, World Health Organization and other entities to keep you up to date the tactics and ideologies of those who influence public health, though Children's Health Defense may not have any affiliation with these organizations or individuals.

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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