Jul 30, 2024


Global Cooperation And the Pandemic Preparedness And Response Ecosystem

‘This expert panel will take stock of discussions that have unfolded over the course of the Summit and highlight how international fora – including the G7 and G20 - can carry forward the Summit themes into the future.’

  • Moderator: Ilona Kickbusch, Founder, Global Health Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute, member of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
  • Carlos Gadelha, Secretary of Science, Technology, Innovation and Health Economic-Industrial Complex, Ministry of Health, Brazil
  • Anban Pillay, Deputy Director General, The National Department of Health in South Africa
  • Mona Nemer, Chief Scientific Advisor, Government of Canada and Chair of the 100 Days Mission Steering Group, IPPS

Tovar da Silva Nunes, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the UN in Geneva and Vice-Chair of the INB

  • Mike Ryan, Executive Director, Health Emergencies Programme and Deputy Director-General, WHO

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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