Sep 15, 2024


Geoengineering Report Sep. 15 2024

“We’re fighting for our lives — right here, right now” Dane Wingington returns to CHD.TV for another “Geoengineering Report.” Here are a few quotes from this program:

  • “This is hard science. These are patented processes….[they’re] trying to marginalize anybody who dares to speak out about shocking and visible climate engineering atrocities in our skies.”
  • “So-called academia, so-called experts need to band together, stand up and start telling the truth while it can still make a difference.”
  • “This is a complete derailment of the planet’s life support system”
  • “Believe what you see with your own eyes”
  • “Bottom line is, the planet is broken and we are free falling into a planet that will not support life much longer if we continue in this course.”

Listen in!

Hosts: Polly Tommey, Dane Wigington

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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