Mar 7, 2024

Department of Defense Monitoring of COVID-19 | Mar. 7

‘The purpose of the hearing is to understand the tools the Department of Defense has at its disposal to track incidence and prevalence of diseases and conditions that may or may not be associated with the COVID-19 infection and/or the COVID-19 vaccination.’


  • Dr. Lester Martinez – Lopez, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense
  • Dr. Shauna Stahlman, Senior Epidemiologist, Epidemiology & Analysis Branch, Armed Forces Health Surveillance Division, Defense Health Agency

CHD.TV offers a wide range of content pertaining to children's health. We regularly stream hearings, meetings and lectures from the World Economic Forum, National Institutes of Health, World Health Organization and other entities to keep you up to date the tactics and ideologies of those who influence public health, though Children's Health Defense may not have any affiliation with these organizations or individuals.

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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