Sep 9, 2024


Pete Kennedy, Esq. | Regulatory Obstacles for Raw Milk and Local Meat: Efforts to Overcome

Raw dairy products are involved in a worldwide battle, and the blows come from every angle. It is fought against an army of elected officials, regulatory agencies, social media companies and global institutions. It is an attack on researchers, practitioners, farmers, food processors and consumers. It threatens a person’s right to buy and a dairy’s right to sell. But what is the basis for waging this war? Are unpasteurized milk, cheese, cream really that dangerous, or is something much more nefarious going on? The elephant in the room suggests that there is money involved — for who in the upper echelons of society would profit from raw dairy commerce if sales take place among local communities? Pete Kennedy’s assessment of this foodborne-conflict clears the playing field. Watch his presentation, and others like it, during CHD.TV’s 2024 “Attack on Food and Farmers” symposium.

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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