Oct 17, 2023

5G Exposé

5G Exposé

Tuesday, 17th October 2023 18.00-20.30 BST | 19.00-21.30 CET | 1pm-3.30pm ET

This 5G Exposé brings together experts in the fields of wireless radiation, cancer, legislation and the law. Viewers will hear from the following speakers and panelists:

  • Igor Belyaev, DrSc., associate professor in the Department of Radiobiology at the Cancer Research Institute in the Slovak Republic.

  • Klaus Buchner, former Technical University professor in Munich and former member of the EU parliament in Germany.

  • Frank Clegg, CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology, on the Environmental Health Trust board of directors and former Microsoft Canada president.

  • Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia, Esq., director of CHD’s EMR & wireless program.

  • Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, oncologist and cancer epidemiologist.

  • Mona Nilsson, Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation director in Sweden.

Event Program:

1:00 ET Welcome by Miriam Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia, CHD, Director of CHD's EMR & Wireless program

1:05 ET Biological and health effects of non-ionizing radiation that is used by 5G by Dr Igor Belyaev Professor, Ph.D, Dr.Sc., Slovak Academy of Science

1:25 ET The 5G microwave technology 3.5 GHz – what do we know today about health risks? First 5G case studies and the 5G Appeal by Dr Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, Sweden

1:45 ET What was known on health risks in people living close to mobile phone masts before 5G roll-out? Results from some studies in Germany by Dr Klaus Buchner, former prof., former MEP, Germany

2:05 ET On industry’s attitude to health risks with 5G The industry’s response to health risks from 5G and other wireless technologies, and a proposal for safer solutions. by Frank Clegg, CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology, former president Microsoft, Canada

2:25 ET The Gigabit Infrastructure Act, a proposal from the European Commission intended to facilitate deployment of 5G (FR2) millimeter wave technology by Ivan Vilibor Sincic, MEP, Croatia

2:45 ET Why do experts from some organizations agree that there are no health risks? On ICNIRP and industry influence. by Mona Nilsson, Director of Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation

3:00 ET Panel Discussion with Frank Clegg, Dr Klaus Buchner and Dr Lennart Hardell Moderated by Miriam Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia, CHD

3:30 ET Closing remarks by Mona Nilsson, Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation

Presented by CHD Europe + UK Column.

*The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this show are not necessarily the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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